Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stephanie Pratt talk's about her US magizine cover

Stephanie recently discussed her Us weekly magizine cover on her offical site

"Wow well the headlines are definitely intense but i just wanted to address my interview with US Magazine. I try to be a very honest person because being honest is an important virtue. And from the time i was 16-to recently ive battled a lot of demons including- bad self-esteem, drugs, bad body image (bulemia), and depression. In my story nothing happened to me when i was young for me to find so many struggles growing up- unfortunately i was just my own worst enemy and never loved myself. I was in desperate and delicate situations and needed professional help-which i got. For any of my friends and fans who are reading this or who have read the article and can relate to any of the problems ive battled- i want you to know you can win the fight! Please do not give up on life… Today i live by the saying “this too shall pass.” Every bad feeling and problem you go through will pass-i promise but when its something serious like depression or an eating disorder-you need to get professional help and talk to someone you trust-because they are deadly diseases. I did not get better overnight its taken years… you need to work at it to beat it! So talk to someone-i urge everyone to be honest with a friend or mentor if you are having a hard time no matter how old you are. I want to be proof that you can change your life around. I wish you all the courage to live happy and fulfilled lives. No one is perfect, but no one deserves to live in pain. I really hope i have helped in some small way anyone who can relate to my story -i love you guys and want to thank you for standing by me and not judging me for my past struggles."

xoxo Stephanie Pratt

It's so sweet how Stephanie says, No one is perfect, but no one deserves to live in pain. That is so true, well she's the only Pratt we actually like the other one's are real brats.